Shapes & Colors
Learning about colors and shapes helps children to reach important developmental milestones. Our play-based learning activities introduce preschoolers to valuable lessons in fun and interesting ways that hold their attention and allow them to actively use their new knowledge.
Shapes : Children learn the names and characteristics of different geometric shapes, setting the stage for improved math learning. They practice identifying and organizing shapes into groups,allowing the development of their logical thinking, vocabulary and visual-verbal linking abilities. They enjoy learning and putting their new knowledge in to practice through games, songs and other play-led activities.
Colors : Children learn to recognize and identify colors and color names, leading to an improvement in both cognitive and verbal skills. A variety of brightly colored learning aids, toys and other objects are used to help children understand color concepts.Books focused on teaching color are read in order to help children learn the differences between colors and many opportunities are provided for them to practice and try out their color-identification skills.
Children engage in games incorporating color, giving them a chance to learn concepts in a light-hearted and enjoyable way while at the same time developing their problem solving, language, spatial reasoning and social skills.
Children remember and reinforce what they have learned through various fun activities including songs, rhymes and memory games focusing on shape and color themes.